Thursday, 29 March 2012

MLM Regrets I have had a few..


Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.
For an achiever, perhaps the most dangerous, most destructive habit of all is procrastination, for it robs you of your initiative. When you put things off once, it’s easier to put them off again, until the habit is so firmly ingrained that it cannot be easily broken. Sadly, the effects of the habit of procrastination are also cumulative. Its cure is obvious — action. You’ll be surprised how quickly you begin to feel better about yourself and your situation when you get going on something — anything. As British prime minister and author Benjamin Disraeli said, “Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” Napoleon Hill


"I did not do this 15 years what a lot of people think  “ASK about TRAINING”    imagethe starting blocks about understanding  network marketing.

People (not unlike myself) get caught up in how many years they've lost  or how much they might have made  had they started just a few years earlier They look at their sponsor and feel that surge of envy,  knowing this person is already where they want to be  and struggling to understand how they can "catch up"

But here's the thing... The longer you do nothing  the further left behind you will be. If you want to build a retirement fund  that will allow you to live comfortably  when you retire in 10, 20 or 30 years time  then network marketing is the best option you have. 


But choosing the right one is the biggest problem in the networking world


Property investment is one way but a very long term investment, try retiring with a walk away income that you are looking for , may be in another 20 years you may have an income.  How old will you be then?  

OK how are you doing with bricks and mortar  

Lets try shares.  Every day we see another economy hit by bad banking practises and share prices looking less and less predictable

Shares OK?

My favourite social welfare - there just isn't enough to go round, but what is available is not going to give you  a walk away income is it.  Unless you're planning to throw yourself in prison,  nobody is going to be looking out for you other than you.

SO Prison it is then


Everything comes if a man will only wait. I have brought myself by long meditation to the conviction that a human being with a settled purpose must accomplish it, and that nothing can resist a will that will stake even existence for its fulfilment.

Benjamin Disraeli


If you don't do something you will hit rock bottom financially. 

You will find yourself with more debt and less time to pay it off.

If you think the government will bail you out  financially you're only fooling yourself.

If you think your family will bail you out  you are fooling everyone.


The only person who can do a thing about all this is “YOU”. 


Stop waiting for a green light to tell you when to move and take control starting today.


Be all you want to be and all that you desire, it is up to you, start now ! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.


Down load the book opposite “Success in 10 Steps”  Start leading the life you have always dreamed of, but think of everyone else, their dreams and desires then yours will surely follow!



Do ask about the link “Mental Cleanse” it is based on the book by Napoleon Hill   “Think & Grow Rich"


Many of life’s failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -- Thomas Edison



Gray Lawrence    (International Marketing Coach & Mentor)

A Mentor with A Servant’s Heart

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Network Marketing What is it The Final Part


  From The Secret Daily Teachings

The fastest way to become the Master of your thoughts and emotions is through challenging situations. If your life is going along fairly smoothly, there are not the same opportunities that enable you to strengthen your power and become the Master of your thoughts and emotions.   You see, even challenges are beautiful opportunities in disguise.   May the joy be with you,  Rhonda Byrne


Awareness is the first step to positive change. -- Leslie C. Aguilar


Stay Connected

imageOnce you have made the connection with one or more people, you must keep in touch, staying connected means you are a “Networking Marketing Business Builder”   with the professional approach that those who are looking will actually see this and be confident in that you are serious!   This is the correct way not just “staying in touch”  This is not quite the same. There is no need to feel that you have to be so close you are in their personal zone, it is uncomfortable to you and certainly to the person that you are trying to gain their confidence, how ever you need to find a way to strengthen this bond, by keeping “ACTIVE”  in your mind and theirs, in a variety of ways:

• Congratulate them in some small way, either in their:  enthusiasm, desire to beimage winners, or even when their favourite team wins what ever the sport, anything they like or can relate too.
• Greet them at the association meeting or monthly networking event With Enthusiasm  but with sincerity, there is nothing worse than a shallow compliment or greeting, of course a hand shake a wave or even a positive nod of recognition, will be well received.
• Add them to your newsletter mailing list (with their permission of course) should you have one. We at “Mentoring For Free” provide such a service.
• Send information on a regular basis (do not over do it) about what they will be getting involved with, it shows your interest, your enthusiasm and your understanding in their business and their personal interests.
• Share experiences interests and hobbies with them outside of networking events, should this be something of interest!  Do not go full strength with everything at once, they will run and you may never see them again, this is an area you must judge, carefully!
• If the person is comfortable with you, sharing your life and triumphs this can have a positive effect and will bring you closer together.


Find Information

You can give information without reservation because there is a never-ending supply, but remember the training we offer at “Mentoring For Free”.  is professional and provided in steps to help you on the right path in stages, there is nothing worse than having too much at once leading to: “Information Overload” image

Information is defiantly required to ensure training is done correctly and in order with the opportunity of the person now getting involved to take time out with questions, even to go over what has already been taught! not everyone is at the same pace as you are, some are actually faster and pick things up quickly; make an allowance for every individual .  Never be afraid of adding  a personal note to each person again we are all different!  Remember it is not just information; it's carefully selected and filtered information that is valuable. Using a variety of online tools offered in training, they can be to your advantage as well.  Tracking multiple topics from thousands of sources available to all .  Accomplishments within your business and the prospects should be rewarded is some small way, like a hand written well-done note.


People hear what we say but they see what we do. And seeing is believing. -- Eric Harvey and Al Lucia


Do seek advice on understanding people and their: likes, dislikes and differences, We Can All Learn from the teaching's of the famous. I can offer you this guide (via a link) it is called The “Colours” a disc covering the various differences that make up who we are, learn your people skills, it is as valuable as gold..also know as: Peaceful Phlegmatic, Sanguine, Melancholy and choleric


 Social Media

imageIf you want an easy and yet powerful way to stay connected with people, then you must use social media, especially Facebook and LinkedIn. New sites will come and go, but you can not argue that people will not be using social media to connect in the future. Not having an online presence will be like not having a business card. If you're already using social media, then make sure to connect there with anyone you have an interest in. Use lists and grouping features to categorize and keep track of your various groups of friends, business contacts, and referral partners.

If you have no idea where to start, get a more experienced member of the team to show you how to get set up. This we can do at “Mentoring For Free”   and will help with your relationships of the future.  YouTube and searching the web for other information, is very important to you and your business, but do not be put off, these features and benefits are a valuable source of information.  Again we train in these areas, just ask! 


Keep Track

Most people know about 150 other people just from interacting with family, people in the workplace and friends, do not think that these are the only people that can be approached, be prepared for those that do not think and see what you do!

imageOnce you start deliberately building a larger network, you must have some way of keeping track of the people you know, how to reach them and what you know about them. At Mentoring For Free we offer advice help and support in all areas required to build a large and profitable business.  It is up to you to take advantage of this offer, remember the training is in bite sized pieces to ensure you are not putting pressure on yourself or members of your team, especially the new members who will be daunted if offered too much information at once. 


I hope you found this beneficial and thank you for taking the time to read and digest the eight parts of “Network Marketing What is It”  Please see the offers below to take your business to the next step, OR ask about where you can seek an opportunity of your own!


Look for every opportunity to go the extra mile. That's how you become extra special…and extra successful. -- Steve Ventura


Remember to unlock the Secrets by down loading the book “Success in 10 Steps


Do ask about the link “Mental Cleanse” it is based on the book by Napoleon Hill

“Think & Grow Rich"


Gray Lawrence    (International Marketing Coach & Mentor)

A Mentor with A Servant’s Heart


Thursday, 8 March 2012

Network Marketing What is it Part Seven

Technorati Tags:

Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the purpose of money wishes for it. Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.

 Napoleon Hill


 Protect your Time

image Inexperienced networkers complain about events that "waste" their time, rather strange, or is it that they do not know how to conduct themselves and expect everyone to come to them, food for thought!  Whether the event has an agenda or not.  That is the bad part, with no agenda it will be lost.  Unless it is a lunch of coffee meeting, but even then something must be discussed even as small talk otherwise nothing will be gained by this type of meeting.  How ever you are in charge of your own time spent at the meeting, so you can   always leave feel free to leave.


Learn how to gracefully end conversations. Don't let politeness force you into listening to
a long-winded presentation. It's perfectly acceptable to interrupt someone politely if they won't let
you make a comment. Say "It's been very interesting meeting you, but I should let
you mix with other people as I have to say hello to some people, too." You have the right to protect your time by drawing a line for people who simply want to sell to you. This will promote your professionalism and often people will follow you.


 Respect Their Time

On a positive note protecting your own time is respecting other peoples time . You may be surprised and fascinated by their stories, or their services but do not take over or monopolise the event, as general networking is based on building rapport, introductions and for staying connected, but not for deal making or selling!  to make the “Deals” or talk about your business be polite and ask if they would like to make an appointment with you to suit them. then let them keep networking, it is the professional way to do business.

Interrupt “yourself” not those around you, especially if “you” are asking the imagequestions, like I am interested in learning more about you and your business but do not want to keep you from meeting other people while we are all here.  Do you have a business card?  I will also offer you mine should you wish to meet later, then we can set a date and time perhaps tomorrow, if you agree.  This will show your leadership skills and professionalism without being too pushy, keeping the prospect at ease and comfortable, Never come on strong!.  This often is appreciated and shows you are thoughtful and considerate.  Thus they are more likely to make and keep an appointment with you.


Just One

imageDon't underestimate the power of making just one great connection. You don't need to meet everyone. A pocketful of business cards does not mean a thing if you do not make a connection or if you're not going to follow up to strengthen the relationship.  Just one great connection can make the entire event worthwhile. They may be the big business builder you have dreamed of, you never know until you help them get what they want in “Your Networking Business”.   They may even be more inclined to offer you or even share a massive list of referrals  with whom you and the person you are with can build a wonderful lasting relationship and massive business!  So treat every one as a special person and as an individual, they will respect you for it.   Always focus on finding just one great connection instead of as many as possible, especially when you are new.  It is better to provide help and support to each individual as required, do not try to do the same for too many at once or you will lose them and your way.


Business Cards

imageHanding out business cards to everyone within reach is not networking. If they're not interested, all you have done is delivered junk mail without the mailbox.  This is the killer to any networking opportunity.  You don't care if they have your card or not.  If you want to stay in touch with someone, you get their information, be a professional!.  Though you do not worry about handing out your card, you must have a supply of them with you. When you ask for someone's card, they'll almost always ask for yours in imagereturn.
You'll seem unprepared and lacking in professionalism if you don't have one. The rule of thumb is always give out your card “When Asked”  thus preventing “The mail box syndrome”


Simple, clear purpose and principles give rise to complex and intelligent behaviour. Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple and stupid behaviour. —Dee Hock


Willing cooperation produces enduring power, while forced cooperation ends in failureNo civilization based upon the unjust treatment of its people has ever endured. A tyrant may force the cooperation of others for a time, but that power is never sustained. Only when people are accorded the respect they deserve do they willingly create and maintain successful organizations and societies. When you build a company or an organization based on fairness and justice for every member, you have built a power that will long endure. The best way to secure the commitment and unending cooperation of others is through the simple application of the Golden Rule. It is the most successful and long-lasting management theory ever developed. When you treat others as you would like to be treated were you in their situation, you will inspire loyalty and enthusiastic cooperation. Set high standards for yourself and others, treat them well, let them do their jobs, and they will perform miracles for you. Napoleon Hill


 ”Stay connected” will start the next chapter in network marketing


Remember to learn the Secrets by down loading the book “Success in 10 Steps


Do ask about the link “Mental Cleanse” it is based on the book by Napoleon Hill

“Think & Grow Rich"

Gray Lawrence         (International Marketing Coach & Mentor)

A Mentor with A Servant’s Heart

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Network Marketing What is it Part Six

A Secret Scrolls message from Creator of The Secret
 Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of imagekindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights.  And as you begin to raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you. 
There is no limit to how high you can increase your vibration, because there is no limit to the good thoughts you can think, or the good words you can speak, or the acts of kindness that you can do.  Other than transforming your own life through lifting your vibration, you lift others' lives too. The positive vibration of your energy emanates out like a stone thrown into water, touching our planet and every living thing on it.  As you rise higher, you take the world with you.
The Secret Team has created a gift for you.  (The clip can be found on the secret TV website) This clip features our beautiful Planet Earth.  As you experience this clip you will emit positive forces of energy across Planet Earth that will reach every single living thing on it.  You will lift yourself, and as you lift yourself, you lift the entire world.   Rhonda Byrne

What Do You Do
Unless you are wearing something unusual or being very tall, the first thing someone will ask you is “What do you do?”
You must have confidence, very concise and an even more interesting answer to this question.  If you are uncertain or surprised by the question, you will lose “credibility”.  Well to be honest it would make you feel inside that you would not like to do business with this person, because YOU do not seem to know what you are doing!  The fact may be you are quite brilliant but it is what others think of you on the spot - people judge as they see, it is normal, but totally wrong!

In reality you will have about 15 seconds to keep their attention so be Concise! any longer and you risk moving into the common fault of “The Sales Pitch”  A very interesting description would be to invite them to ask more questions, Confidence (not arrogance) is attractive and very likeable to others. 

imageInstead of  “winging it” at your first networking event, write out your self introduction, read it out Loud and rewrite  it until it sounds natural.  Memorise it then forget you that you have memorised it.  This will prevent it sounding just like it has been memorised, this is the hard part! Then learn to anticipate the questions that your introduction will create, think about them and answer them in your mind before you have to do it for real

Small Talk         
Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking. -- Bernard M. Baruch

This area has a huge purpose, never disregard a light social conversation.  image         It gives us all an opportunity to start building a rapport with those around you, in a very respectful way.  By doing this we can explore whether or not we wish to continue getting to know them.  Without small talk we would just walk around asking everyone; “Do you want to buy my products”  it will save you time but do nothing towards building relationships.

Since most business people do not wear their favourite sports top or carry their favourite books to events, thus offering a way for us to find out what we really do have on common.  Great relationships  have been built on the smallest commonalities.  Give small talk a lot of respect and use it wisely to help you learn important things about people you meet, this will give them the chance to get to know you and expand on the development of “Trust”

If you want the best results and respect from those who you are talking with regards “Network Marketing” do remember that people will do business with people they like, feel comfortable with and trust!  They will often refer people to you as a mark of respect and buy products and services from companies they like more.

Being a likeable person means making it easy for other people to like you, which is exactly what you are trying to do.

imageExtroverts tend to be perceived as more friendly and authentic because of their outgoing and expressive nature.  Yet extroverts can improve their likeability by slowing down to make the connection better even listening with more empathy.  Introverts by their definition prefer fewer and deeper connections, this provides a greater relevance and they do show more empathy.  They can improve their “likeability”   by reducing their shy or reserved behaviours, thus can be misperceived as unfriendly and less authentic.  Be Warned Be Careful and Be Thoughtful,  But most of all Be Yourself!! 

The next topic will start with “Protect Your Time”

All enduring success is founded upon harmonious human relationships.
Most of us are incapable of “going it alone.” Whether it is in our careers, our personal relationships, or in life, we all need others if we are to achieve the level of success we desire. Besides, what’s the point of having it all if we have no one we care about to share it? You may choose to work with others, you may ignore them, or you may choose to work against them, but the greatest successes in life come to those who work harmoniously with others. When your personal goals coincide with those of another, not only does the power of your combined labours benefit you, but such cooperation also creates a synergistic effect that allows you to achieve far more than the simple sum of your individual efforts. Know that friendship freely given and gratefully received is one of life’s greatest gifts. Napoleon Hill

Remember to learn the Secrets by down loading the book “Success in 10 Steps
Do ask about the link “Mental Cleanse” it is based on the book by Napoleon Hill  
“Think & Grow Rich"

Gray Lawrence   (International Marketing Coach & Mentor)
A Mentor with A Servant’s Heart