Tuesday 15 May 2012

Mastering Multi Level Marketing


There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage, and belief. Napoleon Hill



Tips For Multi Level Marketing by phone

MLM recruiting is one of the common fears of those new to Starting an Internet Business”  and especially true when you are talking over the phone to your own warm market or a total stranger. Overcoming this fear is part of personal growth and as months pass, you will be surprised who you will become if you overcome this fear.  How will a new networker master this type of skill for recruiting?  The following will help you!



(A)  Using the phone versus using Internet marketing strategies.

There are those that belief in using various social media strategies will replace the need to pick up the phone and call. Some networkers would simply rely on videos, articles, and social media and focusing their energy on them hoping that they will produce results. This is true in one sense but unfortunately, results do not always happen that way in Network Marketing.  There is still a great need to pick up your phone and learn how to use it.  We at “Mentoring For Free”  are a body of people that Provide this training with scripts that you actually change to your own style, this will ensure it comes from you your heart and not a book.  Those who are successful in this industry testify that “Mastering talking on the phone is the number one income producing skill you can develop”. Period.


(B) Everything depends on your Posture.

Posture has something to do with your mind set and attitude about the MLM opportunity you are offering to the people. If you pressuring or show desperation to people you are considering fro the opportunity you are giving them, then do not expect to sign up leaders. If you genuinely believe that your opportunity can provide answers to the desires and needs that other people actually want, express it in your voice.  See yourself as a CEO of a multimillion corporation. While registering your membership with your Networking Company you automatically have access to: professional R&D team, logistics, marketing, media production, and team members that want you to succeed!  Does it show in your voice? or do you sell on the low cost of joining? Posture is the clear differentiator between professionals and amateurs in Network Marketing Internet Business.

The above advice is your answer to those who try but still struggle in the Networking industry and for those who want to get succeed in the shortest time possible. Remember that in your MLM recruiting, you are searching for positive and entrepreneurial people who want more out of life and not for negative people that will just waste your time. You are actually in the business of “Seeking the right” people not selling. It is you who set the standard of people you want to get involved in your business and not the other way around. And that is posture.


(C)  Make the Call.



Do not expect people to be excited about your business if you are uncertain about it. Remember that people have their own way to detect fears, anxieties as well as excitement and courage. If you are excited about your opportunity, people will sense it.  In making an introduction call, be clear and concise. Do not over talk. Learn to be master at asking questions and then direct people to the relevant information you have to offer, provided by the training at Mentoring For Free. Last but not least, agree on a specific call back time. This is a must.


(D)  Do not forget the Follow UP Call.

The people that are really interested about a new businessimage opportunity might even call you, but only if they feel you are  genuine, remember people read hear and see how you present yourself, this does not happen often. Be professional You do the follow up call to the excited prospect, remember life gets in the way, with the intention to call you the next day but the next day never comes.  You made a promise to make a follow up call. Keep it, call at the exact time you agreed. If they are there, it is already a good sign. Ask questions that you will learn from Mentoring For Free: be trainable, be professional and above all listen!  How interested are they in getting started? then with help from your mentor you will start the process of helping your prospect learn what you already know.


"Courage, like fear, is a habit. The more you do it, the more you do it and this habit—of stepping up, of taking action—more than anything else, will move you in a different direction." —  Tony Robbins


(E)   Do not allow negative people stop you.

Do not take people’s rejection personally. The experience of rejection is necessary for your emotional strength and imagematurity. This is the reason why we keep on saying that the Networking Industry is not for everyone and only appropriate for tough people. Tenacity is a required mental and emotional skill for those who want to master MLM recruiting and those who are really determined to be successful in this industry. It is your decision to determine if you have what it takes, The Choice is Yours and Yours alone!


Remember to unlock your Goals, and reason for building a “Networking Businesses” by down loading the book “Success in 10 Steps”


Your mind is as important as your goals to achieve these ask about the link “Mental Cleanse” it is based on the book by Napoleon Hill

“Think & Grow Rich"


Gray Lawrence   (International Marketing Coach & Mentor)

 A Mentor with A Servant’s Heart

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