From The Secret Daily Teachings
Each of us is attracting in every moment of our lives. So when you feel that the law isn't working for you because you don't have what you want, realize that the law is responding to you. You are either attracting what you want or you are attracting the absence of what you want.
The law is still working. May the joy be with you, Rhonda Byrne
When talking with those starting "Your own Internet Business" and
Direct Sales People, it's surprising how many are reluctant to talk with friends and family about their business or products. In our minds we think that we will be alienated by those closet to us. If this happens to you, of which I have no doubt, have you considered your friends actually might need what you have to offer, and they're missing out because of your reluctance to talk with them about it?

"The pursuit of your life is to come into [your] purpose. And the waste of your life is to miss that purpose." — T.D. Jakes
There is nothing worse that those closes to you that see how well you are doing and feel that You have not thought them worthy of what you do, not only that they could be a a source of high quality business partners and customers.
What is the solution so that everyone wins? Here are a few ideas. (1) Always remember the first principle of Natural Selling. That is, your purpose is to help other people, as this is a people business! in solving their problems. When you're talking with friends, or anyone come to that, all you're looking to do is to discover if they have the types of problems you can help them solve and whether they want to do anything about them. That is all there is too it! But this will only happen if you take the time to listen.
Next, before approaching a friend, take some time to prepare yourself. Think about everything you know about them... their family, their hobbies, their sports, their jobs, their relationships, and especially their likes, dislikes and passions. Find out what they really want form life, if they had the finances to do this, or what ever it is that they require, it could be something as small as a new lawn mower a regular holiday or more time to spend with the family! Would it not be nice to be home and grow with them? be at school for the fun day, go to a game where the children are involved with, too many of us miss this important time in a child's life because we area at the “JOB”

Then, write down all the problems you might
have heard them talk about that are associated with your first list. Problems your business opportunity might be able to help them solve. Things like health problems or tight finances, and think, if you can, how it’s affecting them.

(4) There are more the things you can explore with them at a time to suit and make them comfortable, but most of all LISTEN!
And when you do, keep the following in mind:
- Respect the relationship. What’s more important, Your friendship or wanting them as a business partner?
- Forget the feeling you have regards telling them about your businesses opportunity or products as soon as possible.
- Explore with them their previously expressed problems. See if they are of the type that you can help them solve. Do this before even thinking about talking about your solution. No matter how hard this will be, you are here for them not yourself.
(5) Your first aim at this stage is to simply discover if you might be able to be able to help them. If in the course of your conversation it becomes clear your friend or family member might have an interest in changing their present situation, then you can offer your solution there and then, or continue the dialogue at another time.
If you adopt this approach, you won't run the risk of upsetting people you know. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how many of them will be open to listening to you.

You can put this approach into practice by listening to some our Audios at “Mentoring for Free” part of our training programme .
Here we teach you how to approach people, learn the skills required to bring anyone, but at this precise moment you friends and family into your business. They will decide on what it is that makes them want to be in partnership with you, but it has to be for their reasons and not yours! Most of all you have to talk with them in such a way that they are relaxed, comfortable and confident in what you offer.
Now should they decide not too, you have at least show them and explained what they will miss out on, but never forget them because they where not interested! You may be presently surprised on how many will quietly follow your every move just to see how you get on and of course if the opportunity does work! One day one of them will be back ..
A friend is one who knows all about you and still respects you.A true friend is a priceless gift. When we reveal our hopes, our dreams, and our deepest secrets to others, and they still like and respect us, such people are to be cherished. All too often, the only reason others wish to spend time with us -- to be our friends -- is because of what they perceive we can do for them, not the other way around. A real friendship is reciprocal, one in which each friend benefits equally. You can earn the friendship of others by being the kind of person who deserves respect from friends. When others look up to you, it should make you even more conscious of the responsibility you have to treat them with the same respect you would like them to afford you. Napoleon Hill
If the Industry is new to you and would like a guide to the basics - Do down load the link opposite “Are you Walking Past a Fortune”
Gray Lawrence (International Marketing Coach & Mentor)
A Mentor with A Servant’s Heart
Technorati Tags: Gray Lawrence,A Mentor with A Servant's Heart,Success in 10 Steps,Are you Walking Past a Fortune,Think & Grow Rich,Trainings,starting an Internet Business,Opportunity
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