I hope the idea of thinking before actions helps you understand what these passages are about Read on!
"How do I stop my negative thoughts?" This is a question that I have been asked many times. If you have ever asked this question then you will feel such enormous relief in knowing the answer, because it is so simple. How do you stop negative thoughts? You plant good thoughts!
When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are focusing on what you don't want - negative thoughts - and you will attract an abundance of them. They can never disappear if you are focused on them. The "stop" part is irrelevant - the negative thoughts are your focus. It doesn't matter if you are trying to stop negative thoughts or control them or push them away, the result is the same. Your focus is on negative thoughts, and by the law of attraction you are inviting more of them to you.
The truth is always simple and it is always easy. To stop negative thoughts, just plant good thoughts! Deliberately plant good thoughts! You plant good thoughts by making it a daily practice to appreciate all the things in your day. Appreciate your health, your car, your home, your family, your job, your friends, your surroundings, your meals, your pets, and the magnificent beauty of the day. Compliment, praise, and give thanks to all things. Every time you say "Thank you" it is a good thought! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Why? Because your focus is on good thoughts, and what you focus on you attract.
So don't give any attention to negative thoughts. Don't worry about them. If any come, make light of them, shrug them off, and let them be your reminder to deliberately think more good thoughts now.
The more good thoughts you can plant in a day, the faster your life will be utterly transformed into all good. If you spend only one day speaking of good things and saying "Thank you" at every single opportunity, you will not believe your tomorrow. Deliberately thinking good thoughts is exactly like planting seeds. As you think good thoughts you are planting good seeds inside you, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise. How will the garden of paradise appear? As your life!
Rhonda Byrne
The final part of your brain
The Pendulum One of the oldest diagnostic techniques available, when it is done properly, it is one of the easiest and most accurate and has been used for thousands of years in many different cultures to access the Universal Mind to: predict future events, divine truth, retrieve information at a distance, and receive answers to critical questions. By using the mind and imagine a pendulum moving within you ticking like a pendulum used to transform notes into music .
You will be able to learn over time what the pendulum is and how to use it to identify the core beliefs that are limiting your success. Positioning the pendulum within your thoughts giving you the best reading position, thus giving you clear and accurate answers to your thoughts and questions
Using these techniques, you will uncover the precise thoughts, beliefs, and memories that are negatively impacting your ability to reach specific goals in your life today.
Step 2 Transformation
Once you have identified why you are blocking your path to belief and success, The empowerment of your mind will equip you with the tools that will persuade and transform those beliefs at the deepest levels, obliterating the negative thoughts and influence, by replacing them with new, healthy imprints that will automatically direct all aspects of your being toward the successes YOU choose. You will discover “Emotional Freedom” it is
Limiting beliefs become encoded in your body's electrical system, stalling the flow of energy and resulting in anxiety, stress, phobias, poor health, sleep disorders, attention deficit, and a host of other problems.
Right at this very moment, you are laying the groundwork for your future, generating vibrational frequencies that project forward in time and then work to draw you down a very specific path. The Brain Programming Technique puts this process under your conscious control. These programming "bytes" can be practiced anywhere. This technique makes you create new neurological grooves and energetic pathways that will carry you to the specific future of your choosing. Once established all achievements becomes inevitable.
This particular technique is prized by many of the world class athletes, ensuring those who use it will ensure peak performance: high scoring, and winning outcomes with consistent success. “MIND OVER MATTER” Do you find memories of past negative experiences and events poor interviews, bad dates, and moments that are lost for what ever reason, have an influence on how you think and act today? In a very short time the technique can neurologically redefine any past negative experiences, ensuring the transformation of your ability to distinguish positive growth and success in your life, regards to: Finance, Work, Relationships and more.
Come back to yourself. Return to the voice of your body. Trust that much.” — Geneen Roth
I hope you have enjoyed how to work with your most important part of your body
Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with A Servant’s Heart
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