Wednesday 14 September 2011

Love is the Force that Move You

This belief is one we all have to trust if we are to be part of it!

Everything you want to be or do without love would not propel you forward in the morning with a positive force to: work, play dance, talk learn, listen to music or anything in that matter.   It is the positive force of love that moves you and gives you the desire to be, do, or have anything.   The positive force can create anything good, increasing the good things in life AND change the negative.  You have the power over your health, wealth, career, relationships and every thing in your life, it is inside you; FIND IT!
Why is it that your life is not AMAZING? why is every area of your life not magnificent? Why don't you have all you desire? Why are you not joyous?  Why have you not been able to do everything?

The answer is: because you have a choice! that's it!! “CHOICE”   to love and harness the Positive force and whether you realise this or not, every day every minute you have been making this choice  “Good or Bad Positive or Negative”  ITs a tragedy that the lack of knowledge and understanding of the power of love is clear in peoples lives across the planet today and in the entire history of the human race.

Does this not bring something home to you?  A little “Mental Cleansing” is good for us all, just open up to the idea of perfection in everything you do, see or desire, but never forget those around you, they might need your support.

“Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy in the world”     Pierre L de Chardin

Gray Lawrence

A Mentor with A Servant's Heart

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