Saturday, 17 September 2011

The Law of Love

You are gaining the knowledge of one of the one and only power to all good things in life, But first you have to learn how it works to use it in your life!

The Universe is governed by natural laws.  We can fly due to aviation being in harmony with the laws of nature, just like laws of physics govern aviation, electricity and gravity!  The law of attraction has to be understood before you can change your life.

The law of  attraction holds the stars in the sky and forms every molecule and atom.  The force of attraction of the sun holds the planets in the solar system preventing them from being thrown in to space, in the same way that gravity holds us on terra firma with the plants and animals alongside the minerals on the planet earth!  Nature or the force of nature can be seen in many ways and most of the time we miss this great wonder: flowers attracting bees or seeds attracting nutrients, birds in the sky fish in the sea to from herds, groups or shoals!  But most of all to us the most ignored area of attraction is the cells that hold us together..In fact everything we own ,use or eat is via the law of attraction, “Think about it”.

The force of Attraction draws people to people, growing cities, nations groups, societies and clubs, all have a share in the common interest of attraction; like who is going to be a cook, mechanic, musician, what ever you see feel or want to do is by the law of attraction! nothing else!!
But most of all it draws YOU to those you like and love, be a friend to all..  There is nothing like  a “Mental Cleanse”

The Law of Attraction or The Law of Love.. the are one and the same..  Charles Haanel

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Love is the Force that Move You

This belief is one we all have to trust if we are to be part of it!

Everything you want to be or do without love would not propel you forward in the morning with a positive force to: work, play dance, talk learn, listen to music or anything in that matter.   It is the positive force of love that moves you and gives you the desire to be, do, or have anything.   The positive force can create anything good, increasing the good things in life AND change the negative.  You have the power over your health, wealth, career, relationships and every thing in your life, it is inside you; FIND IT!
Why is it that your life is not AMAZING? why is every area of your life not magnificent? Why don't you have all you desire? Why are you not joyous?  Why have you not been able to do everything?

The answer is: because you have a choice! that's it!! “CHOICE”   to love and harness the Positive force and whether you realise this or not, every day every minute you have been making this choice  “Good or Bad Positive or Negative”  ITs a tragedy that the lack of knowledge and understanding of the power of love is clear in peoples lives across the planet today and in the entire history of the human race.

Does this not bring something home to you?  A little “Mental Cleansing” is good for us all, just open up to the idea of perfection in everything you do, see or desire, but never forget those around you, they might need your support.

“Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy in the world”     Pierre L de Chardin

Gray Lawrence

A Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Saturday, 10 September 2011

The Force of Love

The time has come to take count of you, your life and where you are or want to be!

The kind of love is two fold and very different from the greatest thinkers and saviours of the world.  It is much more than just: the family, friends and favourite things because love is a positive force.  Love is not weak, feeble or soft, it is the “Positive Force of Life” and the cause of everything positive and good!  There is only one force in life.

Natures powers are invisible to our senses, but indisputable, likewise the force of love is invisible to us, but the power is greater than any of natures powers, without love there is no “Life”

Food for thought, what would the world be without it? we would not exist or be born that means no family or friends not a single human being on the planet!  That would be fatal! No love  today would mean the entire human race would not exist and eventually die.

would you not agree that every invention, discovery and human creation came from the love in a human heart?  The Wright brothers bought flight, scientists, inventors and discoverers bought :electricity, heating, light and all that we take granted today, how would we live without things like: the car, phone, medicine, buildings, books, music, paintings and most of all “Education” The latter is more important because without it we would not have the rest!  read and learn that is the way forward, for all of us.  Education is a wonderful thing but make use of it to suit your needs, work fro someone or work for yourself you decide. Remember books are there for a reason, I offer you one of many just click the link on the side and enjoy, thank you.

“STOP” take a look around you, what ever you see is  a human creation and would not be there without love.

“Love is an element which though physically unseen is as real as air and water.  It is an acting, living moving force…it moves in waves and currents like those of the ocean”   Pretence Mulford.

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Life is Simple Positive & Negative

What is life but something we are part of and it is up to use too fulfil the contract we are designed for!  Your belief is your path to what ever you wish for.

Life is simple and is made up of two things “Positive & Negative things” Each area of your life, whether its your Wealth, Health,Relationships, Work or Happiness, are all positive or negative to you!  You are healthy or not healthy, you have plenty of money or very little, your relationships are happy or difficult, work is exciting and successful or dissatisfying and unsuccessful, you are filled with happiness or you don't feel good all the time.  You have good and bad years, good ad bad times and good or bad days, these decisions are your choices, make the right one’s!!!

To have more negative things than positive things in your life shows you something is wrong and you know it, when you see others happy you know you deserve this, again think bad things you get bad results.  Chose to think the right things and get brilliant results.  Most people do not realise the great life they have or how they came by it, but they used the power that is the cause of everything good in life, why don't you?

Love has been discussed over the centuries since time began by every religion, great thinker, philosopher, prophet, and leader. But many of us have not truly understood these great words of wisdom, even though they where teachings for those in their time! there is one truth and message though, to the world it is: “Still The Same Today”  Love is the greatest power in the universe.

“What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists”   Alexander Graham Bell

I hope you feel something deep from inside your body mind and heart, make it count!  Be a true Mental Cleanse expert ask me more.

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with  A  Servant's Heart

Sunday, 4 September 2011

You are meant to have an amazing life!

A Believer or a none Believer!! There is no doubt the following messages (over time) are for Everyone!  There is no doubt that the Universe provides all, it is up to you how far you want to go or Believe..  But be sure to remember you are who or what you are by your actions.. 
I suggest the first one is being open minded and even stretch yourself by reading my previous blogs, well what have you to lose!! You may even decide to read my book link OR even ask for more information and or advice, but remember this you must enjoy!  and thank you for any comments.
Now Read.   Smile

You are meant to have everything you wish and love .  Work is meant to be exciting and full of accomplishments, that is of course a decision you make along the way!  You are meant to have all the money, living your dreams being happy and living your life to the full.
Wake up full of excitement because the day IS going to be exciting, laugh (make someone smile) be strong confident but above all feel good about yourself and your value to society!!  Now along the way or road to your life you will come across a few challenges if not you will be unable to learn and grow, but be victorious in your approach and confidence (people are watching) You are meant to have an amazing life.

Everyone is born to live life to the full, not born to suffer.  This is the contract you are born to, it requires no signature, no time limit and most definitely no excuses!  Never Never be afraid of your choices you make along the road to freedom satisfaction, love and happiness, just learn by them.
The life you chose and everything you love; to do, have done or to be done have always been closer than you knew, because the power is inside you!!

“There is a supreme power and ruling force which pervades and rules the boundless universe.  You are a part of this power”
Prentice Mulford

I wonder how you feel now?  I felt great writing this one of many passages even though I have read it before; Why? well with the daily grind negative atmosphere etc.; etc.; this is the tonic to keep you alive, remember smile it uses less muscles and you feel good.  I call this my daily Mental Cleanse!! I have a medicine for this too just ask about “Mental Cleanse”
With all my heart felt thanks to you the reader that will benefit enjoy every day and Thank you..

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with A Servant's Heart