What is networking?
There have been many thoughts comments good and some bad about networking, yet it is the biggest business in the world to date!!
Every day of your life “YOU” do this without even thinking about it!! Yes you do and you don’t get paid for it.
Remember when you purchased that item to use or give as a present? Or that new car? Because you knew of it, from the advert or it had been recommended by someone... Now tell me you do not network!
Even when something new comes out the adverts tell it all but until someone buys that item it will only sell on faith and the fact that the company already have goods out there that you already buy, it makes sense to buy that new dress, or car.
So now you know you are networking person, easy is it not? Yes but remember you are not getting paid for it; the business owner(s) are making money from your word of mouth!
Why it works
The networking, or referral, concept is simple. Businesses who participate love the no-risk
Advertising it provides. Individuals love getting their piece of the advertising pie for doing what they have been doing for free.
Among the types of products and services that successfully share their advertising budget with individuals are cars, appliances, legal insurance, food, clothing, sports equipment, buyer discount services, confectionery, health foods, travel, soft drinks, water filters, utility services, and the list can go on and on.
Somewhere, almost any product or service is now being offered through referral or Network
Marketing. Remember, not every company will share its advertising budget, but surely one of its competitors will. Remember you are the networker doing the job for the companies, better than all the advertising and its costs.
In the beginning of time when your ancestor set foot on the planet, it was a bit more harsh one had to live and die for what they could have to eat and keep warm but even then without thought if one Homo Sapien had something better than someone else, you know where I am heading.
Now we move forward a few thousand years when we decided to be a bit more “Human” we ate more even cooked the stuff, tested more and learned a lot, even using plants! Now the new Homo Sapiens still wanted what someone else had but the buying and selling improved, of course stones where used at one time (but I am not a historian, there are plenty of these professionals and books to read on these matters) Then coins where invented, yet even then we still worked on word of mouth before we spent our new shiny roundish things we now call coins.
Now we know all about advertising and networking don’t we? Ok may be not; let’s move on now to more modern times.
How many times has your supermarket issued you a rebate check? Five times? Ten times? They haven’t? Well, they should. Every time you purchase food at your local supermarket, you increase its sales and profits. As a steady customer, don’t you think you deserve a purchase rebate? After all, they would lose the
Extra profits where would we be today without the advertising.
What’s in it for you?
1. A simple change in buying habits could mean a monthly rebate from participating companies.
2. If you find a product or service you like, don’t keep it a secret. Others will like the product
or service too, and you’ll earn bonuses for referring them!
3. You could possibly experience an exciting career change. Many people enjoy the great
Second income referral marketing provides. Others like many, many friends and I enjoy
Referral Marketing as a full-time career.
There are plenty of companies that will share their advertising budgets with individuals. Why not
look into the possibility today?
Are you walking past a fortune? Are you looking for one? Just ask me “you” have nothing to lose.
Never let an opportunity pass you by, because when you do all other opportunity that went with that life path is gone forever, and who knows where that might have led! –unknown
Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with a Servants Heart
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