Friday, 30 December 2011

Good Means Good, Part One


What is your present thought pattern?

              love              gratitude            joy        passion
excitement           enthusiasm       hope  





irritation            disappointment           worry

criticism             anger          hate           envy

guilt                    despair            fear      


Which one do you really prefer?

The choice is always yours, “Chose the right one” and use it to help others; it is your decision…


From The Secret Daily Teachings

Here is a checklist to make sure you have your receiving channels open:

Do you receive compliments well? Do you receive unexpected gifts easily? Do you accept help when it is offered? Do you accept your meal being paid for by a friend?

These are little things, but they will help you know if you are open to receiving. Remember, the Universe is moving through everyone and every circumstance to give to you.

May the joy be with you. - Rhonda Byrne

It is so interesting to see that people who really understand network marketing know that the teachings in the secret are vital truths and work when applied in real life.

Just one person taking action can inspire others to do the same.          Leslie C. Aguilar

Gray Lawrence

A Mentor with A Servant’s Heart


Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Good and Bad Feelings Part One

It's your life. You are responsible for your results. It's time to turn up the heat.
-- Sam Parker

imageWhatever you want to bring into your life, you must GIVE it. Do you want love? Then give it. Do you want appreciation? Then give it. Do you want understanding? Then give it. Do you want joy and happiness? Then give it to others. You have the ability to give so much love, appreciation, understanding, and happiness to so many people every single day!                   May the joy be with you,   Rhonda Byrne

Like everything else in life you can be feeling in a positive or negative mood, as you can have good and bad feelings.  All good feelings come form love and of course bad feelings come from the lack of love.  It has been said the better you feel, like feeling joy shows that you offer more love. The same is for receiving love this you will get in abundance.

The worse you feel, like despair!  the more negative you show to others therefore the more negative you show you will receive more back in life, this is a fact. The reason you feel so bad with the negative attitude is because LOVE  is the positive force of life and negative feelings do not have the same effect or as much love in them.
The better you feel, the better life gets and your heart will grow
The worse you feel, the worse life gets – until YOU change how imageyou show your feelings…

“Remember that who you're being is just as important as what you're doing. Focus   on the attitude behind your behaviour.”   Barbara "BJ" Hateley

Gray Lawrence
A  Mentor with A Servant's Heart


Friday, 23 December 2011

Social Media Marketing


The social media phenomenon shows no signs of slowing down, and despite imagetheir enormity, the marketing potential of all social media platforms including the well known sites; “ Facebook and Twitter” are still relatively an untapped market.


Business who are web-savvy and have already established their social presence on these mediums are more likely to be in tune with their customer base, and are able to communicate with them on a more personal level.


Success is more attitude than aptitude. -  Unknown


“We at Mentoring for Free” can help create a social media presence for your online business, and provide you with support, advice. This will in itself provide the measure of its success; throughout your business, no matter where you are in the world. Out time is your time.

imageThe best thing about social media marketing is that it gives you a medium in which to communicate with the world in greater depth, whilst also retaining your status as a business. We have all the expertise, we require to guide you through the “World of Social Media Marketing”


The book opposite “Success in 10 Steps” is your guide!


All enduring success is founded upon harmonious human relationships.


imageMost of us are incapable of “going it alone.” Whether it is in our careers, our personal relationships, or in life, we all need others if we are to achieve the level of success we desire. Besides, what’s the point of having it all if we have no one we care about to share it? You may choose to work with others, you may ignore them, or you may choose to work against them, but the greatest successes in life come to those who work harmoniously with others. When your personal goals coincide with those of another, not only does the power of your combined labours benefit you, but such cooperation also creates a synergistic effect that allows you to achieve far more than the simple sum of your individual efforts. Know that friendship freely given and gratefully received is one of life’s greatest gifts. Napoleon Hill


Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. -- Abraham Lincoln


Gray Lawrence

A Mentor With A Servant’s Heart

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Your Feelings are the Fuel

Here is a simple but powerful rule: image
Always give people more than what they expect to get. -- Nelson Boswell
Your thoughts and words have no power at all in your life without charging them with your feelings.  You think so many thoughts in the day that do not amount to anything because many of your thoughts do not elicit a strong feeling within you. 
It’s what you feel that matters.
Imagine your thoughts and words as being like a rocket ship and your feelings as the fuel.  A rocket ship is a stationary vehicle that can not do  anything without fuel, because the fuel is the power that lifts the rocket ship.  It’s the same with your thoughts and words.  Your thoughts and words are vehicles that can not do anything without your feelings, because your feelings are the power of your thoughts and words!  Something to ponder over I think.
  • If you think, “I can’t stand my boss” that thought is expressing a strong negative feeling you have about your boss, you are giving out that negative feeling, noticeable or not you do it without any thought but one of distaste!! and your relationship with your boss will continue to get worse, unnoticeable may be at first but it will happen, be warned!!
  • If you think, “I work with some fabulous people in my job” those words are expressing the positive feeling you have about people you work with and you are giving out that positive feeling.  As a consequence, your relationships with your work colleagues will continue to grow.
“The emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the thought so it will take form” Charles Haanel
Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Monday, 12 December 2011

You are a Feeling Being


image“Feeling is the secret”  Neville Goddard (New thoughts author) 

The roles we play in each other's lives are only as powerful as the trust and connection between us. —  Oprah

From the moment you are born, you are always feeling something, and so is every other person.  You can stop your conscious thoughts when you are sleeping, but you can never stop feeling, because to be alive is to feel life. You are feeling “being” to the core of you, and so it is no accident that every part of your human body is created so you can feel life!

You have the sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, so you can feel everything in life.  They are “feeling” senses, because they enable you to feel what you see , feel what you hear, feel what you taste, feel what you smell and touch.  Your entire body is covered with a fine layer of skin, which is a feeling organ, so you can feel everything.

How you feel in any one moment is more important than anything else, because how you feel right now is creating your life. 


I pay attention to what my elves (and others) feel. Perceptions are realities for those that hold them…and I must deal with those realities in order to lead effectively. -- Santa Claus


From The Secret Daily Teachings:

No person or power in the outside world can compare to the power you have within you. Seek the power within, as it knows the perfect way for you.

May the joy be with you.  Rhonda Byrne


Gray Lawrence

A Servant  With a Mentors Heart




Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Points of Power

Power is powerful! in the right hands are you powerful?
We will forget and forgive any judgment error that you make, but integrity mistakes are forever. -- David Cottrell
Love is not weak, feeble, or soft. Love is the positive force of life!
Love is the cause of everything positive and good, the world and all within!
Everything you want to be,do, or have comes from love.
The positive force of love can create anything good, increase the good things and change anything negative in your life.
Every day, in every moment, you make the choice of whether to love and harness the positive force – or not. it is as always up to you!
The law of attraction is the law of love, and it is the law that is operating in your life.
Whatever you give out in life is what you receive back in life.    Give positivity, you receive back positivity: Give negativity, you receive back negativity.
Life doesn't happen to you; you receive everything in your life based on what you have given.
Whether your thought and feelings are good or bad, they return as  automatically and precisely as an echo.
People who have great lives think and talk about what they love more than what they don’t love.
Talk about the good news of the day. Talk about what you love. And bring what you love to you.
You  have an unlimited ability to think and talk about what you love, and so you have an unlimited ability to bring everything good in life to you!  (Think deep and in silence fore a moment)
Love, because when you love you are using the greatest power in the universe.
The fastest way to become the Master of your thoughts and emotions is through challenging situations. If your life is going along fairly smoothly, there are not the same opportunities that enable you to strengthen your power and become the Master of your thoughts and emotions.  You see, even challenges are beautiful opportunities in disguise.  May the joy be with you,  Rhonda Byrne  The Secret... bringing joy to billions

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with A Servant's Heart
I may not be better than other people, but at least I'm different. -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Friday, 11 November 2011

Attitude … and “The Power of One"

An area of importance to us all, should we decide to be better
Getting the best from yourself and others all starts with one: one thought … one word … one action.
“One” is the first note in orchestrating the personal attitude that shapes and directs your life – and impacts the members of your team. Contrary to the lyrics from a classic rock song, one is not the loneliest number. It’s the most important one!
Your thoughts, words, and actions are like individual notes that work in concert to create the power of one person – YOU – to make a difference. You can harness your “power of one” if you simply:

  • Catch one negative thought and turn it into a positive one;
  • Think of one thing for which you are grateful at the beginning of each day;
  • Say one “Fantastic!” when a friend or team member asks how you are doing;
  • Assume the best in one upcoming situation;
  • Keep on moving one more time when you experience adversity;
  • Help one friend or colleague in a time of need – and take pride in it.

Many people used to feel that one vote in an election couldn’t really make a difference. Well, recent political elections that have been decided by razor thin margins have proven them wrong. A single
act can make a difference … it can create a ripple effect felt many miles and people away. So, ask yourself: What’s one thing I can do today that will make a positive difference in my attitude? Then DO IT!
Repeat that process every day and your life will improve – and so will the lives of the people you lead. Attitudes are truly powerful … and they’re contagious!

Be nice to people on your way up. You might need them on the way down. -- Jimmy Durante
Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Friday, 28 October 2011

Talk About What You Love

It is time for another chapter on a topic we all love but tend to keep a secret, whether it be a relationship, money a job (yes some people like their jobs, me I  would rather work for myself with a postal income and plenty of free time, how about you?

From The Secret Daily Teachings
Every single day, no matter who you meet in the day - friends, family, work colleagues, strangers - give joy to them. Give a smile or a compliment or kind words or kind actions, but give joy! Do your best to make sure that every single person you meet has a better day because they saw you. This might sound like it is not connected with you and your life, but believe me it is inseparably connected through cosmic law.  As you give joy to every person you meet, you bring joy to YOU. The more you can give joy to others, the more you will bring the joy back to you.  May the joy be with you, Rhonda Byrne
When you talk about difficulties with money, relationships, an illness or even the decrease in business profits, you are not talking about what you love.  When you talk about a bad event in the press or a person or situation that annoyed or frustrated you,  you are not talking about what you love.  Talking about the bad day you have had being late for an appointment, getting caught in traffic, or even missing the bus are we really talking about what you do not love.  There are many little things that happen each day: if you get caught up in talking about what you do not love, every one of those little things bring more struggle and difficulty in your life, I know I have been there more than once But I am willing to learn.
You have to talk about the good news of the day (even if  you have to look for it).  Talk about the appointment that went well and about how you love being on time.  Talk about the how good it feels to be full of health.  Talk about the profits you want to achieve.  Talk about the situations and interactions  you had in your day that went well (it can be done just think a little deeper).  You have to talk about what you love to bring what you love to you, its that simple!!
If you parrot negative things and squawk about the things you do not love, you are literally jailing yourself, like a parrot in a cage, how small can that be?  Every time you talk about what you do not love, you are adding another bar to the cage and locking  yourself away from all that is good.
People who have great lives talk more about what they love, by doing this they gain unlimited access to all the good in life and they are as free as the birds  that soar in the sky. “Soaring with Eagles” (another good book).  Now the secret is easy and simple: To have a great life,  “Break the Bars of the cage” that is “Jailing you” ; give love, talk only about what you love and love will set you FREE! 
 “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Jesus (Circa 5 BC- Circa AD 30)
To finish off this chapter give some thought to those less fortunate than yourself, those who have no one, seek them out help them..
To open your heart means risking it all – to experience great joy and profound sorrow. -- Tom Mathews
Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with a Servant's 


Saturday, 22 October 2011

Giving is Equal to Receiving

“To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”    Isaac Newton Mathematician and Physicist

I don't  care who you are or where you come from we are all the same: we think we breath we smile we can be sad we can be happy, the list is endless  and colour does not come into it!!! BUT we are the same!!  So tell me why we are so different?  why do we not all get along are we not in the perfect world? DO we not make the world we live in the way it is??
I have written my comments I hope you enjoy the information as before gathered from the famous and wise.

Every action of giving creates an opposite action of receiving and what you receive is always equal to what you have given.  What ever you give out in life, must return to you  (this makes you think of what I have written above as quite sensible) It is the physics and mathematics of the universe.

Give positivity, you will receive back positivity, give negativity you receive back negativity.  Give positivity and you receive back a life full of positive things.  Give negativity and you will receive back a life filled with negative things.  And how do you give positivity or negativity?   Through your thoughts and your feelings!

In any moment, you are giving either positive thoughts or negative thoughts.  You are giving either positive feelings or negative feelings.  And whether they are positive or negative will determine what you receive back in your life.  All the people, circumstances, and events that make up every moment of your  life are being attracted back to you through the thoughts and feelings you are giving out.  Life does not just happen to you; you receive everything in your life based on what you have given.

“Give, and it will be given to you..for by your standards of measure it will be measured to you in return”   Jesus (circa 5 BC- circa AD 30)

What you give- you receive.  Give help and support to a friend when he is moving house, and most surely that help and support will return to you with lightening speed. Give anger to a family member who let you down, and that anger will also return to you, clothed in the circumstances of your life.

You are creating your life with your thoughts and your feelings.  What ever you think and feel creates everything that happens to you and everything you experience in your life.  If you think and feel, “I've got a difficult and stressful day today,” then you will attract back to all your people, circumstances and events that will make your day difficult and stressful.

If you think and feel “Life is really good to me” you will attract back to you all the people, circumstances and events that will make life really good for you

Perseverance is not a long race: it is many short races, one after another. -- Walter Elliot
Do you now feel any different? give it some thought and change your way of thinking and your life!!!
Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart


Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Attractive Force of Love

We attract who and what we wish to often without thinking but with a smile and approach, you tell me what you think of the following passage.

So what is the force of attraction? The force of attraction is the force of love!  Attraction is Love, do you not think this is true, take a moment to ponder this!
When you feel an attraction to your favourite food, you are feeling love fro that food; without attraction, you wont feel anything.  All food would be the same to you.  You would not know what what you love or what you don’t love, because you would not be attracted to anything.  You would not be attracted to another person, a particular city, house, car, sport, job, music clothes or anything, because it’s through the fore of attraction that you feel love!

“The Law of attraction or the Law of love.. they are one and the same”    Charles Haanel (1866-1949) New Thoughts Author.

I feel this simple but small passage says it all, we have to be attracted before we can enjoy the fruits of our labour, I think you will agree!!
May all you love and desire come to fruition and last for eternity. 

Feel Free or even Love what I write and ask me on any matter from my book by Rhonda Byrne- “The Secret” and the video of which  are all available to you. 

The Cleansing of the mind via “The Mental Cleanse” is something you can enjoy and even love, this is an area you may feel to ask  more about.  God be with you!

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Understanding Networking & Its Potential

What is networking?

There have been many thoughts comments good and some bad about networking, yet it is the biggest business in the world to date!!

Every day of your life “YOU” do this without even thinking about it!! Yes you do and you don’t get paid for it.

Remember when you purchased that item to use or give as a present? Or that new car? Because you knew of it, from the advert or it had been recommended by someone... Now tell me you do not network!

Even when something new comes out the adverts tell it all but until someone buys that item it will only sell on faith and the fact that the company already have goods out there that you already buy, it makes sense to buy that new dress, or car.

So now you know you are networking person, easy is it not? Yes but remember you are not getting paid for it; the business owner(s) are making money from your word of mouth!

Why it works

The networking, or referral, concept is simple. Businesses who participate love the no-risk

Advertising it provides. Individuals love getting their piece of the advertising pie for doing what they have been doing for free.

Among the types of products and services that successfully share their advertising budget with individuals are cars, appliances, legal insurance, food, clothing, sports equipment, buyer discount services, confectionery, health foods, travel, soft drinks, water filters, utility services, and the list can go on and on.

Somewhere, almost any product or service is now being offered through referral or Network

Marketing. Remember, not every company will share its advertising budget, but surely one of its competitors will. Remember you are the networker doing the job for the companies, better than all the advertising and its costs.

In the beginning of time when your ancestor set foot on the planet, it was a bit more harsh one had to live and die for what they could have to eat and keep warm but even then without thought if one Homo Sapien had something better than someone else, you know where I am heading.

Now we move forward a few thousand years when we decided to be a bit more “Human” we ate more even cooked the stuff, tested more and learned a lot, even using plants! Now the new Homo Sapiens still wanted what someone else had but the buying and selling improved, of course stones where used at one time (but I am not a historian, there are plenty of these professionals and books to read on these matters) Then coins where invented, yet even then we still worked on word of mouth before we spent our new shiny roundish things we now call coins.

Now we know all about advertising and networking don’t we? Ok may be not; let’s move on now to more modern times.

How many times has your supermarket issued you a rebate check? Five times? Ten times? They haven’t? Well, they should. Every time you purchase food at your local supermarket, you increase its sales and profits. As a steady customer, don’t you think you deserve a purchase rebate? After all, they would lose the

Extra profits where would we be today without the advertising.

What’s in it for you?

1. A simple change in buying habits could mean a monthly rebate from participating companies.

2. If you find a product or service you like, don’t keep it a secret. Others will like the product

or service too, and you’ll earn bonuses for referring them!

3. You could possibly experience an exciting career change. Many people enjoy the great

Second income referral marketing provides. Others like many, many friends and I enjoy

Referral Marketing as a full-time career.

There are plenty of companies that will share their advertising budgets with individuals. Why not

look into the possibility today?

Are you walking past a fortune? Are you looking for one? Just ask me “you” have nothing to lose.


Never let an opportunity pass you by, because when you do all other opportunity that went with that life path is gone forever, and who knows where that might have led! –unknown


Gray Lawrence

A Mentor with a Servants Heart


Saturday, 17 September 2011

The Law of Love

You are gaining the knowledge of one of the one and only power to all good things in life, But first you have to learn how it works to use it in your life!

The Universe is governed by natural laws.  We can fly due to aviation being in harmony with the laws of nature, just like laws of physics govern aviation, electricity and gravity!  The law of attraction has to be understood before you can change your life.

The law of  attraction holds the stars in the sky and forms every molecule and atom.  The force of attraction of the sun holds the planets in the solar system preventing them from being thrown in to space, in the same way that gravity holds us on terra firma with the plants and animals alongside the minerals on the planet earth!  Nature or the force of nature can be seen in many ways and most of the time we miss this great wonder: flowers attracting bees or seeds attracting nutrients, birds in the sky fish in the sea to from herds, groups or shoals!  But most of all to us the most ignored area of attraction is the cells that hold us together..In fact everything we own ,use or eat is via the law of attraction, “Think about it”.

The force of Attraction draws people to people, growing cities, nations groups, societies and clubs, all have a share in the common interest of attraction; like who is going to be a cook, mechanic, musician, what ever you see feel or want to do is by the law of attraction! nothing else!!
But most of all it draws YOU to those you like and love, be a friend to all..  There is nothing like  a “Mental Cleanse”

The Law of Attraction or The Law of Love.. the are one and the same..  Charles Haanel

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Love is the Force that Move You

This belief is one we all have to trust if we are to be part of it!

Everything you want to be or do without love would not propel you forward in the morning with a positive force to: work, play dance, talk learn, listen to music or anything in that matter.   It is the positive force of love that moves you and gives you the desire to be, do, or have anything.   The positive force can create anything good, increasing the good things in life AND change the negative.  You have the power over your health, wealth, career, relationships and every thing in your life, it is inside you; FIND IT!
Why is it that your life is not AMAZING? why is every area of your life not magnificent? Why don't you have all you desire? Why are you not joyous?  Why have you not been able to do everything?

The answer is: because you have a choice! that's it!! “CHOICE”   to love and harness the Positive force and whether you realise this or not, every day every minute you have been making this choice  “Good or Bad Positive or Negative”  ITs a tragedy that the lack of knowledge and understanding of the power of love is clear in peoples lives across the planet today and in the entire history of the human race.

Does this not bring something home to you?  A little “Mental Cleansing” is good for us all, just open up to the idea of perfection in everything you do, see or desire, but never forget those around you, they might need your support.

“Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy in the world”     Pierre L de Chardin

Gray Lawrence

A Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Saturday, 10 September 2011

The Force of Love

The time has come to take count of you, your life and where you are or want to be!

The kind of love is two fold and very different from the greatest thinkers and saviours of the world.  It is much more than just: the family, friends and favourite things because love is a positive force.  Love is not weak, feeble or soft, it is the “Positive Force of Life” and the cause of everything positive and good!  There is only one force in life.

Natures powers are invisible to our senses, but indisputable, likewise the force of love is invisible to us, but the power is greater than any of natures powers, without love there is no “Life”

Food for thought, what would the world be without it? we would not exist or be born that means no family or friends not a single human being on the planet!  That would be fatal! No love  today would mean the entire human race would not exist and eventually die.

would you not agree that every invention, discovery and human creation came from the love in a human heart?  The Wright brothers bought flight, scientists, inventors and discoverers bought :electricity, heating, light and all that we take granted today, how would we live without things like: the car, phone, medicine, buildings, books, music, paintings and most of all “Education” The latter is more important because without it we would not have the rest!  read and learn that is the way forward, for all of us.  Education is a wonderful thing but make use of it to suit your needs, work fro someone or work for yourself you decide. Remember books are there for a reason, I offer you one of many just click the link on the side and enjoy, thank you.

“STOP” take a look around you, what ever you see is  a human creation and would not be there without love.

“Love is an element which though physically unseen is as real as air and water.  It is an acting, living moving force…it moves in waves and currents like those of the ocean”   Pretence Mulford.

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Life is Simple Positive & Negative

What is life but something we are part of and it is up to use too fulfil the contract we are designed for!  Your belief is your path to what ever you wish for.

Life is simple and is made up of two things “Positive & Negative things” Each area of your life, whether its your Wealth, Health,Relationships, Work or Happiness, are all positive or negative to you!  You are healthy or not healthy, you have plenty of money or very little, your relationships are happy or difficult, work is exciting and successful or dissatisfying and unsuccessful, you are filled with happiness or you don't feel good all the time.  You have good and bad years, good ad bad times and good or bad days, these decisions are your choices, make the right one’s!!!

To have more negative things than positive things in your life shows you something is wrong and you know it, when you see others happy you know you deserve this, again think bad things you get bad results.  Chose to think the right things and get brilliant results.  Most people do not realise the great life they have or how they came by it, but they used the power that is the cause of everything good in life, why don't you?

Love has been discussed over the centuries since time began by every religion, great thinker, philosopher, prophet, and leader. But many of us have not truly understood these great words of wisdom, even though they where teachings for those in their time! there is one truth and message though, to the world it is: “Still The Same Today”  Love is the greatest power in the universe.

“What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists”   Alexander Graham Bell

I hope you feel something deep from inside your body mind and heart, make it count!  Be a true Mental Cleanse expert ask me more.

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with  A  Servant's Heart

Sunday, 4 September 2011

You are meant to have an amazing life!

A Believer or a none Believer!! There is no doubt the following messages (over time) are for Everyone!  There is no doubt that the Universe provides all, it is up to you how far you want to go or Believe..  But be sure to remember you are who or what you are by your actions.. 
I suggest the first one is being open minded and even stretch yourself by reading my previous blogs, well what have you to lose!! You may even decide to read my book link OR even ask for more information and or advice, but remember this you must enjoy!  and thank you for any comments.
Now Read.   Smile

You are meant to have everything you wish and love .  Work is meant to be exciting and full of accomplishments, that is of course a decision you make along the way!  You are meant to have all the money, living your dreams being happy and living your life to the full.
Wake up full of excitement because the day IS going to be exciting, laugh (make someone smile) be strong confident but above all feel good about yourself and your value to society!!  Now along the way or road to your life you will come across a few challenges if not you will be unable to learn and grow, but be victorious in your approach and confidence (people are watching) You are meant to have an amazing life.

Everyone is born to live life to the full, not born to suffer.  This is the contract you are born to, it requires no signature, no time limit and most definitely no excuses!  Never Never be afraid of your choices you make along the road to freedom satisfaction, love and happiness, just learn by them.
The life you chose and everything you love; to do, have done or to be done have always been closer than you knew, because the power is inside you!!

“There is a supreme power and ruling force which pervades and rules the boundless universe.  You are a part of this power”
Prentice Mulford

I wonder how you feel now?  I felt great writing this one of many passages even though I have read it before; Why? well with the daily grind negative atmosphere etc.; etc.; this is the tonic to keep you alive, remember smile it uses less muscles and you feel good.  I call this my daily Mental Cleanse!! I have a medicine for this too just ask about “Mental Cleanse”
With all my heart felt thanks to you the reader that will benefit enjoy every day and Thank you..

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Meet Fighting Father Dave Parish Priest Professional Fighter Father of Three

To all friends and contacts Please allow me to offer you a dear friend's site it is not all biblical but does offer a different view and way of inputting information.
Father Dave has been in Australia for many years but was born in Manchester, he is world renown and a force to recon with, he has a great sense of humour no different to his wife and children… he still boxes (a professional) teaches and trains' many others in self preservation, confidence and has the ability to help others less fortunate than himself and family.

Father Dave has been a great speaker and stood many times for others around the world in a variety of  fights, problems outside the ring!
Australia love him and is a great benefit to the country but obviously a big and sad loss to the UK. 
God Bless Him and all he protects..

Gray Lawrence

Every Moment in your Life

We are a product of our mind and what we do with it determines our future and the road we take, chose the right one!

Every moment in your life is infinitely creative and the Universe is endlessly bountiful.
Just put forth a clear enough request and everything your heart desires must come true. 
Shakli Gawain

From birth we are born to win and it is up to us as individuals to make that decision with guidance from those that have trodden the path before us!
IT is up top you to be who you are..

Gray Lawrence
A Mentor with a Servants Heart

Saturday, 20 August 2011


There is always information available if one would only search and improve the Mind & Body  Place your life in the right Order and it will always Shine

A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.
He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "Yes."
"Now," said the professor, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things - your family, your partner, your health, your children - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter - like your job, your house, your car.
The sand is everything else. The small stuff."
"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued "there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal.
Take care of the rocks first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."
The Power of Simplicity - that is what the story demonstrates. If I may add my two cents worth... the story underlines the need to give priority to the IMPORTANT over the URGENT. Once the Important is in place, we can attend to the Urgent. If we fail to do that, we become perpetual slaves to the great tyrant called Urgent.

Gray Lawrence

A Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Knowledge is King

Friday, 19 August 2011

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

The time has come to improve and update..more to follow, please view my face book fan page and offer your views, nice ones of course!! "If you like it please a accept the offer to hit the like button and keep an eye out as my updated photo will be added with a new banner, exciting stuff indeed. J

Opportunity often knocks — only to find no one in.

I feel advice is always accepted by all who offer with the intended purpose of acceptance..

The world is filled with unfortunate souls who didn’t hear opportunity’s knock at the door because they were down at the convenience store buying lottery tickets. They have never learned that, as Branch Rickey, general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers from 1942-50, once observed, “Luck is the residue of design.” You will be surprised how much your luck will improve when you make sure you are prepared to take advantage of opportunities. How many times have you had a great idea that you failed to act upon, only to discover later that someone used the same idea to start a business, get a promotion, or find a better job? Resolve now to get into action when you have a good idea. Don’t wait for something to happen -- make it happen!
Napoleon Hill

I can offer you advice and brain storm with the famous! from their words that have been and will be around long after I have gone, as long as we try hard to understand them

Gray Lawrence

Friday, 5 August 2011

Information Time..Help each other to be better than before..


Following one’s heart by helping others and enjoy the benefits it brings..

This is not for the faint hearted, or the person that prefers to stand still..

What I offer is nothing more than what we can all offer and that is help!  By education and information, as long as it is “Honest”  “Genuine”  “Informative” and “Beneficial” to those whom will make the effort to read what has been made available…

Finally before a little story where you can find all you need:



From The Secret Daily Teachings

Look for the gifts in everything, especially when you are facing what appears to be a negative situation. Everything that we attract causes us to grow, which means that ultimately everything is for our own good.

Adjusting to a new path and a new direction will require new qualities and strengths, and these qualities are always exactly what we need to acquire in order to accomplish the great things ahead in our life.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions


Gray Lawrence



Saturday, 30 July 2011

A Little Corner of Greatness


The opportunity is yours to improve YOU! it is worth the trouble, I know!!

There's one little corner of your life where you can make an
improvement today. Take the opportunity to do so.
There's one little corner of the world where you can make a
difference right now. Go ahead and be the person to make
that difference.
One little corner may not seem like much. One little corner
may not appear to be worth the trouble.
Yet when you get things working well in that one little
corner, something wonderful happens. You discover how
delightful, inspiring, fulfilling and compelling the
experience of achievement can be.
And then you start looking for other little corners where
you can work the same magic. One little corner after
another, you begin to have a major positive impact.
To achieve great things requires no great effort, just a
modest effort repeated again and again. Start right now by
improving one little corner, and you're on your way to
change the world.

Gray Lawrence

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

The Third Skill How to Identify SCAMS


The Third & Final Skill


Third Skill: How to Identify SCAMS
An Attorney General would ask these two questions:

1 - Would a logical thinking person pay this much money for the product or service if there was not a business opportunity involved?

2 - Does the income stop when the recruiting stops?

If the answer to the first question is "No" and/or the answer to the second question is "Yes",
then it is a SCAM.

Don't become BUBBA BAIT!

To avoid sharing a cell with Bubba, avoid:

Cash Gifting Programs.
(It's NOT a Gift if You Solicit It,
Unless You're a Registered Charity,
and You Report Donations.)

Any Program where You Receive Hundreds or Thousands of Dollars
when Someone Joins, and Your Recruits Receive Nothing of
Intrinsic Value They Can Hold in Their Hands.
(Information is NOT a Product!)

Any Program Paying You Commissions on a
Monthly Website Fee.

(Commissions on Tools are Illegal.)

Networking in a Nutshell

• You are perfect the way You are! You just need to be coachable.
• People are not duplicable - systems are. Your Mentor MUST have a Teachable system.
• To be successful in network marketing, You must "partner-up" with a 5 Pillars company.
• Networking is a simple business; NOT necessarily an easy business.
• If You apply yourself in a Teachable system, You can be Successful.

Building Recurring Income from home is a Relationship business;
NOT a Sales business -- NOT a Recruiting business.

The Truth is the Truth is the Truth
And the Truth will make you Free to Succeed.
Dwight Baker

I hope you have found this information very useful, my offer is open to all for “Mentoring for Free” advice
Thanks for Visiting, Gray Lawrence

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish. -- Sam Walton