Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Today's Brilliance™

This story is a gift to me as one of many and feel I need to pass this gift on to you.  Enjoy



Never worry about what to do, simply decide how to be. ~ Trevor Emdon


Trevor EmdonTrevor Emdon

Trevor is a life and metaphysics coach who's studied the human mind and its desires for almost 40 years.

If I could share 500 words of wisdom to summarize what I've learned so far in life, these are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

You do not have free will. I'm sorry if I'm the first to break that to you.
What you have is total freedom to choose how you will follow the laws of the universe. If you try to change or break or ignore the laws you will struggle and suffer. That's not a threat. It isn't divine retribution.
Let's look at it another way.
You can cook toast in your toaster. But should you decide to boil water in your toaster, or worse, that you are going to try to keep the electricity coming down the cables at bay with your fingers, I assure you, you're going to suffer. The electricity isn't vengeful. It's just electricity. You just don't have that kind of power or free will. But you do have the resourcefulness to invent a better kind of toaster if you want to.
See what I mean?
Now, that's electricity, but what about the law of attraction? The one that says, "Ask and it is given"?
You have an incredible gift; one in which you do have total freedom - and that is the gift of imagination. With imagination you can change your thoughts - what you think about and how you think about a thing. As you do that, you'll notice that your feelings will follow.
You can make yourself feel good - at will. You have that freedom. So why don't you use it?
This is not a universe where you look at something and react with worry or fear, but to watch our news and most people's behaviour, you'd think so, wouldn't you?
What you perceive every day with your five senses isn't reality - it's results! The results of what you have thought and believed - in general - thus far in your life.
If you consciously and consistently change your general thoughts and beliefs, your reality will change too. Not instantly - there's a time lag. Plant seeds and you will get plants - eventually.
Seeds are a good metaphor for us. I planted some herb seeds - chives and parsley among others. Where I planted chive seeds, chives began to grow, and parsley where the parsley seeds were and so on.
So what? you ask.
Well, if you plant seeds of success and happiness in your mind, and constantly nourish those seeds, it is inevitable that you will start to see success and happiness filling your life. You need to do this even if your five senses are telling you that right now things are different to that. Because "right now" was planted in your mind some time ago. Today's circumstances are the fruits of your old thoughts!
Plant new seeds, get new plants.
Plant and nurture every day the seeds of a fulfilling, joyous life and that's exactly what you will have. I promise because it wasn't my idea. It was God's.

Gray Lawrence

Your Vision is my Vision

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Afraid of failure?


“If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner.”—Tallulah Bankhead 



Afraid of Failure? Read the following steps

Steps to Break Down Failure

Have you ever felt like a failure? I totally have. But I am not alone.

There is an epidemic of feelings of failure in any country and failure is so definitive. When you think you failed, there is not much wiggle room to be anything other than “a failure.” A horrible way to see yourself! This becomes a belief ingrained and tainting everything else we do and try. Here are four ways to break it down.

A. Lower Your Expectations

Failure is in relation to something. Usually some standard or expectation that was not met: I am not thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough. Having unreasonable expectations is more detrimental on our health than anything else. It brings in judgment, which compounds every other problem we already have.

When we have a feeling which is appropriate to the situation, and then we judge ourselves, then we worry! the problem becomes so much bigger and harder to recover from. Then, we berate ourselves for not recovering quickly with another layer of judgment. The original feeling is nothing compared to the complex mess and layers of our own judgement and fear.

Do not add them. Allow yourself to feel and do not worry, you can handle it. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself, lower those outrageous expectations! Instead of dwelling, do something. Seek a “Mentor with a Servant’s Heart”


B. Know there is a point to trying

Past feelings of failure attempt to take away our point to trying to feel better or accomplish something. We get convinced that we will fail anyway. We assume trying hard will make us more disappointed when we do actually fail, and so we put less effort in in hopes to protect our heart. With less effort, we may actually not achieve our goal and we can say “See? I always fail. Good thing I did not try.”

The point is “Rarely is anything accomplished without trying” And if we try and don’t succeed, our heart actually feels better, not worse. We build confidence knowing that we did our best. We feel empowered because we can respond to things in life. This is giving in to your fears


C. Notice your accomplishment

Simple. See the good in you instead of the bad. Focus on something else beside that one standard you missed. Have confidence in the efforts you did put forth. Notice other things you received from the process, a good example are  friends you’ve made along the journey and “ what you have  learned”  and how it made you grow. Remember all other accomplishments in your life. be positive


D. Remember it is not over

We sometimes assume we failed too soon. Then we feel devastated and stop trying. If you are still alive, you could not have failed, since it is not over. Yes, your standards and expectation might change, but if you are still kicking, you cannot by definition be a failure. Readjust your expectations and try again ALWAYS -  Never Give up!!!

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can……. I can, I can!


Foot note for the winner in you.

Your dreams and desires to win are down to you and no one else… If no one is listening find those that will, live the life you desire with those that have trodden the path before.  Then teach those who sit in your wake.

Be the person you wish to be & leave negative in the slow lane.

When you realise you are a winner and find the next gear be ready for what awaits you.  Perhaps you are ready and now & looking for the opportunity to work for yourself  so you can help those less fortunate, with their own mental attitude, be the teacher & TEACH.  See the book available on “Are You Walking Past a Fortune

The road is paved with GOLD just open the right door in your mind and take the first step.  Gray

Study those who failed and failed again, then “WON” that came before you read the right books:  “The Secret & The Power” by Rhonda Byrne: Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, to name but a few..


“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”—Walt Disney


Gray Lawrence

(It Works Global Independent Distributor)

A Mentor with A Servant’s Heart