To achieve great things requires no great effort, just a modest effort repeated again and again. Start right now by improving one little corner, and you're on your way to change the world.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
You will have now decided where you fit in the colour scheme, lets see if we can expand our knowledge and the tasks that lie ahead ensuring you take the right path!
If you are looking for a company to join or simply want to evaluate the company you are already with, Michael's 5 Pillars technology outlines a simple method to measure any company. Caution: Please do Yourself a favour and answer these questions with your critical eye.
A company may have the greatest products and the best pay plan on the planet, but if it is lacking any of the Five Pillars, you could lose EVERYTHING overnight. Your income and Reputation are at stake.
The correct answers to these 5 questions WILL save You years of Failure and Frustration.
Pillar 1: Does the company management have personal experience building their own networking organization? Have they done it with Integrity?
• Search Google for the owners of the company.
• Do the owners have Integrity? Add the word 'Scam' to your search.
• Do the owners have a Corporate background or an in-the-field Network Marketing background?
• Read your "Policies & Procedures" and "Terms & Conditions";
both are part of your Legal Contract.
• Look for the word "On going".
• Look for policies that strike you as "Unreasonable". Like "Termination, with or without cause".
• Ask yourself "Does this contract protect me or the company?" "Is it clear which way it leans?"
• Does the company charge you for training or a company web site?
• Does the company charge you for each pay check they send you?
• Rules of Thumb:
• The longer the contract, the greater the possibility that the policies important to you
are being hidden in "Legalese"!
• If it's a "Cash Only" business...It's a Scam!
• If you can buy a position at the top...It's a Scam!
• If you are offered a "Special Deal"...the playing field isn't level for all.
• If the products are sold on eBay at a greatly reduced price...Buy there instead.
• If a company is publicly traded, Financial Decisions Will be made in Favour of the
Stockholders at the Expense of the Distributors.
• Check these two websites: and
Does this not make you think? (To follow will be Pillar Two)
Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream of things that never were and say why not, Robert F. Kennedy, quoting George Bernard Shaw.
Gray Lawrence
Technorati Tags: scam,gray marketing,rule of thumb
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Second Skill: The 5 Pillars Training Pillar TWO
Pillar 2: Has the company passed the "early failure" Time Line? Are the company's Products timed with the beginning of a massive trend of consumer demand?
• Beware of "ground floor opportunities" and start-up companies.
• There should be no rush to get in on the "ground floor".
• 99% of companies don't last two years.
• If the company is good today, it will be great tomorrow.
• Most people don't make money in the first two years while the company is dealing with start-up issues.
• Profit comes AFTER two years. Join then.
• Avoid companies which have passed beyond their "momentum phase" and have become household names.
(The realistic potential for big growth in gone)
• Do not join a company with a product that has no profit margin!
(i.e - a long distance service or a vinyl record company)
Now you will see why we provide this information, feel free to call anytime
Many of life’s failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -- Thomas Edison
Gray Lawrence
Imagine the alternatives and less distinguishable: Peaceful Phlegmatic, Sanguine, Melancholy and Choleric; You chose.
Coaching by the Colour!
One dimension of our personality training that will help You keep your Team pulling together.
Yellow: open and indirect (Phlegmatic)
If the person does NOT consistently demonstrate more concern for others than for themselves, they are not Yellow.
Now the person who comes up is casually dressed. They have Birkenstock sandals on, and blue jeans. Very casual. This is a comfortable person. They walk at a slower pace. They have an easy smile.
And they say “Mentor me!”
“OK. Here’s what I know about you. You are an amazing person. All your friends think you are the greatest listener they’ve ever known. You are dependable. You’re very patient. And you’re nurturing. You love people, and you’re a team player. You have some outstanding strengths.
There are some problems you need to work on. You’re oversensitive. You take things personally. You always conform. You’ll buy other people’s excuses. And You don’t ever set goals. You’re not goal-oriented.
So for me to help you, coach you, mentor you, I’d get You to understand how to not take things personally
A mind ill with negative attitudes is more dangerous than a sick body, for its sickness is always contagious.
Have you decided that this is you? or are you the next category!
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Dreams Do Come True
How can you make a big dream come true? You need to have one secret element, and when you have that secret element, nothing will get in your way. That element is an intense desire! You must desire something with all of your heart to manifest it. Often the difference between those who manifest something and those who do not, is the element of desire. When you have a burning desire for something you ignite a fire within you that attracts with an incredible force. The law of attraction is magnetically drawn to that intense fire element in you, and it responds by gathering all universal forces to make your dream come true. Very often we ask for things because we think our life will be better with those things, but inside of us we do not have an immense desire for those things. When you don't feel that immense desire within you, you are receiving guidance telling you that this is not something you really want. That is why it is so important to get clear on what it is that you really want with all of your heart, because what you really want with all of your heart is the very desire that you can manifest quickly. When your heart is on fire with desire you will attract the right things to do, you will find visualizing so easy, and you will find it is effortless to think positive thoughts of your desire. You will attract all the qualities you need, such as strength, courage, belief, persistence, faith, and a powerful will. An intense desire lights up your being, producing a magnetic force that enables the law of attraction to cut through every physical obstacle for you and make your dream come true. Go for your dreams! Don't cheat yourself in your life with petty desires because you don't think you can live your dream. THE DREAM inside you is the one thing that you have the greatest power to create, because you have an immense desire for it. Find the dream inside you - and make it come true! Here is the story of an 18-year-old girl - her dream - and her intense desire to make her dream come true. From Rachael in Indiana When I was in third grade I told my mother that I wanted to go to the University of Notre Dame. I remember going to meetings at age 13 about what it took to get in - that's how bad I wanted it. I knew everything it took and used this knowledge to my advantage. Notre Dame will not accept someone merely because they get a good score on the SAT, it takes so much more. I told everyone I talked to, new friends and old friends, that I would be attending the University of Notre Dame. The response was almost ALWAYS THE SAME: "Wow, isn't that school hard to get into? Don't you have to be really smart?" They would wish me good luck in a "you really need it" tone. I never let this sway me. Before every football game, Notre Dame would play a commercial showing a girl taking "the letter" out of her mailbox. I CRIED EVERY TIME (because I could FEEL - with so much intensity - how I would feel when I came to that day). When it came time to apply I was more stressed out than I had ever been in my life, but I still continued to tell people that I would be going there. Sometimes a thought would creep into my head saying, "What if I've been telling everyone that I'm going there and then I don't get in?" Every time I'd stop and say, "NO, I will not let myself think these thoughts." And I would continue to imagine and to feel the feelings of coming home and seeing the letter sitting on the table. On March 28, 2008, I got a call from my step-father telling me that I had to come home, "RIGHT NOW". When I got home I saw the letter and felt every feeling that I had felt previously in my mind - only magnified. The letter said, "Welcome Home". I have never wanted anything more in my entire life. I have never KNOWN something more intensely. I KNEW that Notre Dame was the place for me, was my home (I guess God, The Universe, knew too). May the joy be with you, Rhonda Byrne |
Monday, 27 June 2011
Second Skill: The 5 Pillars Training Pillar ONE
You will have now decided where you fit in the colour scheme, lets see if we can expand our knowledge and the tasks that lie ahead ensuring you take the right path!
If you are looking for a company to join or simply want to evaluate the company you are already with, Michael's 5 Pillars technology outlines a simple method to measure any company. Caution: Please do Yourself a favour and answer these questions with your critical eye.
A company may have the greatest products and the best pay plan on the planet, but if it is lacking any of the Five Pillars, you could lose EVERYTHING overnight. Your income and Reputation are at stake.
The correct answers to these 5 questions WILL save You years of Failure and Frustration.
Pillar 1: Does the company management have personal experience building their own networking organization? Have they done it with Integrity?
• Search Google for the owners of the company.
• Do the owners have Integrity? Add the word 'Scam' to your search.
• Do the owners have a Corporate background or an in-the-field Network Marketing background?
• Read your "Policies & Procedures" and "Terms & Conditions";
both are part of your Legal Contract.
• Look for the word "On going".
• Look for policies that strike you as "Unreasonable". Like "Termination, with or without cause".
• Ask yourself "Does this contract protect me or the company?" "Is it clear which way it leans?"
• Does the company charge you for training or a company web site?
• Does the company charge you for each pay check they send you?
• Rules of Thumb:
• The longer the contract, the greater the possibility that the policies important to you
are being hidden in "Legalese"!
• If it's a "Cash Only" business...It's a Scam!
• If you can buy a position at the top...It's a Scam!
• If you are offered a "Special Deal"...the playing field isn't level for all.
• If the products are sold on eBay at a greatly reduced price...Buy there instead.
• If a company is publicly traded, Financial Decisions Will be made in Favour of the
Stockholders at the Expense of the Distributors.
• Check these two websites: and
Does this not make you think? (To follow will be Pillar Two)
Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream of things that never were and say why not, Robert F. Kennedy, quoting George Bernard Shaw.
Gray Lawrence
Technorati Tags: green personality,truths about MLM,mentor,gray lawrence,mental attitude
To move forward one must have the ability to learn!
Green: self-contained and indirect (Melancholy)
If the person is NOT analytical, always wanting more and more information about whatever it is they’re interested in, they are not Green.
A gentleman walked up and stopped. He read the big banner. His arms were crossed. He had a shirt with a breast pocket, pen in the pocket. He wore khaki green pants, a crease down the middle where they’d been ironed, and penny loafers.
He looked at me and ordered, “Mentor me!”
“If I was to be coaching you, I’d start working on Your weaknesses. Your weaknesses are that you overanalyse everything. You’ve lost a ton of money because of your inability to make a decision. You’ll sit there and think about it, think about it, analyse it, wonder why you shouldn’t do it, why the glass is half empty.
“You have a problem with depression – you easily get depressed. You have a problem with loneliness. And you’re very pessimistic.
“But it’s amazing how many strengths You have. You’re one of the most organized people. You are an amazing planner. You’re a dependable problem solver. You are task persistent. You are amazing on follow through. And everything you do is accurate.
“But the problem you’ve struggled with your whole life is being pessimistic about everything. You have no belief that You will ever be a huge success in life. You’re always looking at why it’s not going to work. You think, ‘It’ll work for everybody else, but it’s not going to work for me.’
“You use a lot of words like try, maybe, could, possibly, we’ll see.
“And what I would do to coach you is to help you realize that You have to learn to be decisive. You have to learn to go with it, be tuned in to your gut feeling and go with it.
“The words you speak are critical, because you speak Your reality into existence. When you say negative things, you are actually putting those things into Your life. That’s exactly what you do. And that’s why You’re so unhappy.”
Character is accurately reflected in one’s mental attitude.
This is decision time..
But this is not the end, this will be followed by the FIVE Pillars Training
Gray Lawrence
You will have now decided where you fit in the colour scheme, lets see if we can expand our knowledge and the tasks that lie ahead ensuring you take the right path!
If you are looking for a company to join or simply want to evaluate the company you are already with, Michael's 5 Pillars technology outlines a simple method to measure any company. Caution: Please do Yourself a favour and answer these questions with your critical eye.
A company may have the greatest products and the best pay plan on the planet, but if it is lacking any of the Five Pillars, you could lose EVERYTHING overnight. Your income and Reputation are at stake.
The correct answers to these 5 questions WILL save You years of Failure and Frustration.
Pillar 1: Does the company management have personal experience building their own networking organization? Have they done it with Integrity?
• Search Google for the owners of the company.
• Do the owners have Integrity? Add the word 'Scam' to your search.
• Do the owners have a Corporate background or an in-the-field Network Marketing background?
• Read your "Policies & Procedures" and "Terms & Conditions";
both are part of your Legal Contract.
• Look for the word "On going".
• Look for policies that strike you as "Unreasonable". Like "Termination, with or without cause".
• Ask yourself "Does this contract protect me or the company?" "Is it clear which way it leans?"
• Does the company charge you for training or a company web site?
• Does the company charge you for each pay check they send you?
• Rules of Thumb:
• The longer the contract, the greater the possibility that the policies important to you
are being hidden in "Legalese"!
• If it's a "Cash Only" business...It's a Scam!
• If you can buy a position at the top...It's a Scam!
• If you are offered a "Special Deal"...the playing field isn't level for all.
• If the products are sold on eBay at a greatly reduced price...Buy there instead.
• If a company is publicly traded, Financial Decisions Will be made in Favour of the
Stockholders at the Expense of the Distributors.
• Check these two websites: and
Does this not make you think? (To follow will be Pillar Two)
Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream of things that never were and say why not, Robert F. Kennedy, quoting George Bernard Shaw.
Gray LawrenceTechnorati Tags: scam,gray marketing,rule of thumb
Sunday, 26 June 2011
The main aim in life is the ability to understand each other
Blue: open and direct (Sanguine)
If the person is NOT a social animal, craving almost constant contact with people, they are not Blue.
This person walks up, and you see flamboyant facial expressions, hand movements, body movements, arms moving, maybe a Hawaiian shirt. Something bright & flashy – jewellery, gold, a diamond ring, gold necklace. Anything flashy, a lot of movement, excited, excited, excited.
And they say “Mentor me!”
“OK. The reason you are so successful in life and in business is that you are an excellent promoter. You’re energetic, enthusiastic, motivating, convincing. You always see the big picture. You’re the life of the party, and You’re one of the most creative people on the planet.
You can create it, but you can’t build it. Your problem is, you are unorganized. You’re scattered. You’ve never balanced a check book in your life.
The first thing I’d do in mentoring you would be to help You start using systems to keep yourself organized. Then you won’t be so scattered. And you can focus on your follow-up. That can change Your life overnight.
A positive mental attitude is an irresistible force that knows no such thing as an immovable body.
Have you decided that this is you? or are you the next category!
Saturday, 25 June 2011
The truth about MLM’s Part Four
To move forward one must have the ability to learn!
Green: self-contained and indirect (Melancholy)
If the person is NOT analytical, always wanting more and more information about whatever it is they’re interested in, they are not Green.
A gentleman walked up and stopped. He read the big banner. His arms were crossed. He had a shirt with a breast pocket, pen in the pocket. He wore khaki green pants, a crease down the middle where they’d been ironed, and penny loafers.
He looked at me and ordered, “Mentor me!”
“If I was to be coaching you, I’d start working on Your weaknesses. Your weaknesses are that you overanalyse everything. You’ve lost a ton of money because of your inability to make a decision. You’ll sit there and think about it, think about it, analyse it, wonder why you shouldn’t do it, why the glass is half empty.
“You have a problem with depression – you easily get depressed. You have a problem with loneliness. And you’re very pessimistic.
“But it’s amazing how many strengths You have. You’re one of the most organized people. You are an amazing planner. You’re a dependable problem solver. You are task persistent. You are amazing on follow through. And everything you do is accurate.
“But the problem you’ve struggled with your whole life is being pessimistic about everything. You have no belief that You will ever be a huge success in life. You’re always looking at why it’s not going to work. You think, ‘It’ll work for everybody else, but it’s not going to work for me.’
“You use a lot of words like try, maybe, could, possibly, we’ll see.
“And what I would do to coach you is to help you realize that You have to learn to be decisive. You have to learn to go with it, be tuned in to your gut feeling and go with it.
“The words you speak are critical, because you speak Your reality into existence. When you say negative things, you are actually putting those things into Your life. That’s exactly what you do. And that’s why You’re so unhappy.”
Character is accurately reflected in one’s mental attitude.
This is decision time..
But this is not the end, this will be followed by the FIVE Pillars Training
Gray Lawrence
Thursday, 23 June 2011
The truth about MLM’s Part Three
Blue: open and direct (Sanguine)
If the person is NOT a social animal, craving almost constant contact with people, they are not Blue.
This person walks up, and you see flamboyant facial expressions, hand movements, body movements, arms moving, maybe a Hawaiian shirt. Something bright & flashy – jewellery, gold, a diamond ring, gold necklace. Anything flashy, a lot of movement, excited, excited, excited.
And they say “Mentor me!”
“OK. The reason you are so successful in life and in business is that you are an excellent promoter. You’re energetic, enthusiastic, motivating, convincing. You always see the big picture. You’re the life of the party, and You’re one of the most creative people on the planet.
You can create it, but you can’t build it. Your problem is, you are unorganized. You’re scattered. You’ve never balanced a check book in your life.
The first thing I’d do in mentoring you would be to help You start using systems to keep yourself organized. Then you won’t be so scattered. And you can focus on your follow-up. That can change Your life overnight.
A positive mental attitude is an irresistible force that knows no such thing as an immovable body.
Have you decided that this is you? or are you the next category!
Have you decided that this is you? or are you the next category!
Monday, 20 June 2011
The truth about MLM’s Part Two
Coaching by the Colour!
One dimension of our personality training that will help You keep your Team pulling together.
If the person does NOT consistently demonstrate more concern for others than for themselves, they are not Yellow.
Now the person who comes up is casually dressed. They have Birkenstock sandals on, and blue jeans. Very casual. This is a comfortable person. They walk at a slower pace. They have an easy smile.
And they say “Mentor me!”
“OK. Here’s what I know about you. You are an amazing person. All your friends think you are the greatest listener they’ve ever known. You are dependable. You’re very patient. And you’re nurturing. You love people, and you’re a team player. You have some outstanding strengths.
There are some problems you need to work on. You’re oversensitive. You take things personally. You always conform. You’ll buy other people’s excuses. And You don’t ever set goals. You’re not goal-oriented.
So for me to help you, coach you, mentor you, I’d get You to understand how to not take things personally
Sunday, 19 June 2011
The truth about MLM’s Part One
Decide today to make the right decision! I promise it will save you: time and frustration
The following information is offered to you even if you are in networking already. It is by no means taken lightly but will help you now and in the future. I have tried to reduce the information and have decided to take you through the system in a series of blogs under the following headings:
1st Skill; The colours Personality Training 2nd Skill: The 5 Pillars Training 3rd Skill: How To Identify Scams and Networking in a Nutshell
This is how we see it at “Mentoring For Free” Mentoring For Free is a training program where the new or the unsuccessful networker can be coached by a team of volunteer professionals on the special skills every network marketer needs for Success.
This training program, has been available for three years and is gaining momentum. The programme was created by Michael Dlouhy a great man with 30 years experience in network marketing, this is Michaels contribution to an emerging Industry that is now growing beyond its beginnings and is providing successful networkers at a rate unprecedented in the industry. Get plugged in to the Mentoring For Free Programme, you have nothing to lose and Everything to gain, I assure you this is worth the time for the best training in the industry!
First Skill: The Colours Personality Training
Michael's Colour to Success skill provides you with a method you can use to determine the personality of the person you're speaking with so you can make the best possible connection with that person. This is useful in both your personal life and your networking business. |
(Can You find all 9 hot spots and what they do?)

"You are fine just the way You are", Michael Dlouhy.
keep an eye out for part two and I hope you enjoy the information and make
Change your mental attitude, and the world around you will change accordingly.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
There are many things in life that you cannot control, but you can always control your attitude toward them. Defeat is never permanent unless you allow it to be so. When you have a positive attitude, you will recognize failure for the impostor that it is and realize that it is really a learning experience, a valuable lesson that will help you succeed with the next attempt. Ask yourself: What could I have done differently that would have altered the outcome? What can I do in the future to minimize problems and mistakes? What did I learn from this experience that I can put to good use next time? If you approach obstacles and setbacks with a positive attitude, you will be surprised how quickly you can turn defeat into victory.
Napoleon Hill
Saturday, 11 June 2011
A Smile Costs Nothing
Friday, 10 June 2011
This Saturday evening had been fun. We had eaten pizza together, listened to some good music and now we all were sitting in the back yard of Laura's house. The summer was hot and many hours after the sunset it was still pleasantly warm.
We looked at Laura. What do you mean? One month to live? Why do you ask? Oh please, don't say that you... No, no, no! Laura laughed, - I'm perfectly healthy and all right. But my neighbor told of a relative who went to a routine check-up with the doctor and suddenly heard he only had one month to live. Imagine! One month left! Oh, how horrible... we all felt compassion for the man. And so I began to think what would I do if I had only one month to live... Laura said.
We sat there sipping self-made lemonade (Laura's speciality) and said nothing. Here, Laura took out a notepad and a pen , Write down what you would do. Just out of curiosity. We tried to protest, but Laura would not give up. No, seriously! Imagine how you would feel if you were told you only had one month to live. You would certainly want to do something important with the time you have left! What is it? Don't you want to know what you would really really want to do? Three things! We are always complaining how we would be happy, if only... So what are those things that would make you happy? The things you would absolutely want to do?
Reluctantly we took the notepad and pen and for a while nobody spoke. We all wrote something, tore the page and gave the notepad and pen to the next person. Then we looked at Laura. Now what? She smiled. Now - go out and do those things! We looked at her, speechless.
Yes, don't you see? What did we talk about the whole evening? How we have time for nothing else but work, work, work all the time. Taking care of other people's needs, building other people's businesses. We all come home tired in the evenings and all we have energy for is to eat, do the laundry and flop on the sofa to watch TV. What happened to the dreamers we all were at school? You, Mark, weren't you supposed to become an archaeologist? Our very own Indiana Jones? Yea, but... And Tina. You were supposed to put up a shop selling clothes you yourself made. What happened? How did you end up as an accountant? You had such talent!
Well, accounting pays the bills... The bills... Laura almost snorted, - It seems we all live only for the bills. Where are all our dreams? You want to hear what I wrote? We mumbled in agreement, a bit taken aback by her excitement.
My three things to do if I had one month to live, Laura cleared her throat, - One: travel to Rome, Italy and sit on the Spanish steps toasting to life with champagne. Real champagne, mind you. Two: take all my photos and write stories about them. Who is who, what was good about them, and why the photo was taken. Three: sell my house and use the money to have the greatest funeral party ever - while I was still alive. We nodded in agreement for the first two and laughed at the third. It sure sounded like Laura, that one. She loved throwing parties and inviting people over. Now the rest of you!
We read what we had written. The things we would do if we had one month to live. Call all our family members and friends and tell them we loved them. Travel to Hawaii and watch the sun set. Go to see a real volcano. Write a novel. Go to the opera. Paint a scenery we loved. Donate money to a charity. Buy a new car. Read the Bible from cover to cover. Go meditate in a Buddhist center. Plant trees. Read that archeology book that had been collecting dust for years.
When the last one of us had finished reading, Laura looked at us. Did you listen to what you just said? All those things are things you could do right now. So why don't you? Why have you build mental walls around you that stop you from living life as you would really want?
We sat in the soft, warm night, with the stars twinkling above us, the soft wind caressing our cheeks and hair. No one said a thing. Then Laura got up. You know - I think I'll go check the travel agencies on the net and book myself a trip to Rome. Want to come along, Jim? I'm sure there are trips to Vesuvius or Etna being sold there too. Mark got up too to follow Laura and Jim.
I'll come too. Maybe you can let me check archaeology courses when you've booked your trip.
They left and the rest of us looked at each other. I think I'll go buy some saplings tomorrow, Helen said. I'm sure I still can find my mother's Bible... I think Janet put it in a box in the attic... Henry said. For some reason Karen had a leaflet about the local Buddhist center in her pocket and now she was reading it. And I thought about all the notes I had made in order to write a novel.
Yes, tomorrow I would start. We all have lost loved ones. Family members, friends, neighbors.
It makes you think, doesn't it? It makes us realize how valuable every single day is. And yet most of us are so stuck in our everyday routines that we don't even question what we are doing anymore.
Monday, 6 June 2011
“Mentoring for Free”
In 2006, they read "Success In 10 Steps." Their business turned around immediately. To read their story, click here:
If you want to learn more about some of Success In Ten Steps' One-Two Punch, then give me a call at +441522691508.Skype;graynat71 or hit reply right now and send me your name, phone number, and the best time to call.
To Your Success,
Gray Lawrence
Success in Ten Steps link is opposite
Friday, 3 June 2011
Think! Be the Best You Can Be Before Helping Others.
When you develop a Positive Mental Attitude, you immediately set yourself apart from the crowd, you feel better, healthier and stronger. You become a leader because positive thinking leads to positive action, while negative thinking leads you in the wrong direction! When you take the initiative, others will follow simply because they like to associate with people who know where they are going. In order to lead, however, you must first be willing to discipline yourself, be honest and open. The first rule of leadership is never to ask others to do what you are unwilling to do yourself. You can lead only by example. Being a leader requires you to work harder and longer than the others and proving you are the master of your own destiny. Be all that you are and all you can be! To share your passion in helping others to achieve their desires not yours! Training is important No One went to work before going to school. Be in business for yourself but not by yourself, have the freedom working from home and not a slave to the pay packet, you deserve better! You deserve the income we all dream of; it’s not just for the Entrepreneurs’ of the past but of the future! Not everyone can be a Richard Branson or The Sultan of Brunei; they amassed their wealth in different ways one from Royalty and one from hard work and faith in one’s own ability! They both have a gift! Why not you? Are you willing to be: a pupil, to be taught, patient, understanding and ready to live your dreams and desires? Then I offer you this training and it is “Free” – simply connect and request it or start with the book in the side bar. Gray Lawrence A Mentor with a Servant’s Heart ![]() |
Thursday, 2 June 2011
A new Blogg! I am moving forward are you?
The Bible states that we reap what we sow. The most fertile soil in the world is barren unless seeds have been properly planted, cultivated, and nurtured. The relationship between giving and getting is constant in everything you do. To succeed in any endeavor, you must first invest a generous portion of your time and talents if you expect ever to earn a return on your investment. You have to give before you get. It's all a matter of attitude. You may occasionally be disappointed if you are not rewarded for your efforts, but if you demand payment for your services before you render them, you can expect a lifetime of disappointment and frustration. If you cheerfully do your best before asking for any compensation, you can expect a bountiful harvest of the greatest rewards life has to offer.